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Caring for

Your Landscaping

Once Grand Haven Garden House is complete with your project, we hope you are happy. We also want to you know that we always stand behind our product and workmanship. At this point we need your help to keep your landscape looking fantastic. Below you will find watering and care instruction for your landscape. If you have any questions, please feel free to call us or stop by the store.




Lawn Care & Guarantee Information:

Newly installed lawns will need to be watered 2 - 3 times a day for 8 - 20 minutes each time until lawn is established, which is approximately 6 - 10 weeks depending on the time of year. The idea is that we don't want the sod or mulch to dry out, but we also don't want it to float away. We will help you with this! We include one follow-up fertilization with the installation (4 - 5 weeks after seeding or sodding). After that, it is up to you, but please be sure to consult with us if you have any questions or concerns.


We recommend applying a 4-step fertilization program. Here is a breakdown of the recommended program:


Mowed Grass Landscape_Grand Haven Garden


Around Easter, Crab Grass Preventer with Fertilizer should be applied.


The lawn should be watered after application.


Around Memorial Day, Weed & Feed should be applied after a rain or sprinkling.


Let the lawn sit for a couple of days without watering.


During the Fourth of July season, use Weed & Feed if broadleaf weeds persists, applied the same way as in step 2. 


If no weeds, use the standard step 3 All Purpose Lawn Fertilizer and water after application.


Early in September, around Labor Day, apply Fall & Winter Fertilizer and water after application.


We recommend not mowing 2 - 3 days after applications.

Trees & Shrubs:

Starting the day after we finish our work, the trees and shrubs will need to be watered every other day for the first 4 - 6 weeks, depending on the time of year and Mother Nature. The best way to water the trees is to let the hose run at a slow trickle at the base for 15 - 20 minutes. The same is true for shrubs, except it should be 6 - 8 minutes. The new plants will have plenty of nutrients for the first year, but will need fertilizing every spring after. We carry a number of superb fertilizers.




Perennials & Groundcovers:

Starting out the perennials will require watering to give them a good start towards everlasting beauty. Run the sprinkler through the perennial area every other day for approximately 20 minutes. Again, the first year the nutrients will be taken care of, but starting the following spring, fertilizer will be needed.



*Ottawa County Phosphorous Fertilizer Regulations: Recently Ottawa County has instituted a ban on phosphorous fertilizer. However, exceptions are granted for establishing new lawns and landscapes. Refer to your salesperson or the Ottawa County Health Department for additional information.

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1209 Washington Avenue

Grand Haven, MI 49417


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Main: (616) 638-2589



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Our Hours

Monday - Friday:  please email or call for appointment

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